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Exfoliant Products for Hair Care

Please click on a product name for more detailed information.
BioGenic Sallic-210

BioGenic Sallic-210 uses novel oligomer complex technology to solubilise Salicylic Acid. Up to 4% Sallic-210 can be dissolved in water without recrystallisation.

ImerCare 90P - Scrub

Natural mineral scrub bead made from Perlite, a volcanic glass which expands like popcorn when heated. ImerCare 90P-Scrub has a D90 particle size of 90 microns and can be used in anti-dandruff shampoos to help to exfoliate the scalp.

Tamarin AHA

Tamarin AHA is aqueous/glycerin extract from the pod pulp of Tamarindus Indica. The content of Tartaric Acid (L-Dihydroxysuccinic acid) is adjusted to a constant value (>=10%), therefore Tamarin AHA contains Alpha-Hydroxy Acid.